Your dentist in Oakville helps you take the best care of your child's teeth and gums
Parents hate to see their children experience sickness or pain. When a dental problem causes pain, your dentist can quickly repair the damaged tooth and restore comfort. However, the goal of your dentist in Oakville is to help you learn how to take the
best care of your child's teeth and gums so that problems like cavities can be avoided.
Though a very common dental problem, cavities can, in fact, be prevented. Also known as dental caries, cavities develop as a result of natural bacteria that live in the mouth. These living organisms feed on sugar and food residue
left behind after snacks and meals, and then secrete waste that is toxic to oral tissues. If the mouth is not sufficiently cleaned regularly, cavities will develop and potentially cause pain in the way of a toothache.
The risk of cavities, due to excess bacteria, is impacted by several factors, all of which are in our control:
- Sugar is not the only culprit in cavity development. Though sugary foods and beverages should be limited or avoided altogether, refined carbohydrates like bread and pasta are also ideal food choices for harmful oral bacteria.
- In addition to sugary treats, the potential for cavities is also increased in those who regularly consume acidic foods and beverages. Acid is hidden in many common foods, such as sports drinks or certain salad dressings. The problem
with acidity in foods and beverages is that the enamel, which protects the inner parts of the tooth, is broken down as acid remains on teeth.
- Research has shown that the potential for cavities is higher in those whose family members also have cavities.
- Dental sealants protect vulnerable back teeth from oral bacteria by filling the deep grooves found on the chewing surface of molars.
Sadly, cavities are often not detected until a tooth has been damaged and pain has occurred. With regular dental visits every six months, it becomes more likely that dental problems will be detected very early or, better yet, prevented. Your child will
experience excellent, fun dental care with our team. Contact Burloak Centre Dental for your visit.